Economic and Social History of Modern Turkey
Fall 2010
Ayşe Buğra
This course covers some of the salient themes in the economic and social history of Turkey starting with the nineteenth century socioeconomic transformations in the Ottoman Empire. It intends to provide an overview of both the major historical developments of the period under study and the ways in which social scientists and historians have approached these developments.
Introduction (week 1)
I. 19th Century Transformations of the Ottoman Empire (week 2)
K. Karpat, “The Transformation of the Ottoman State, 1789-1908”, International Journal of Middle East Studies, v. 3, 1972.
R. Kasaba, The Ottoman Empire and the World Economy, SUNY, 1988, Conclusion: 113-116, chs. 3-5: 37-112.
Ş. Pamuk, review article on The Ottoman Empire and the World Economy by R. Kasaba, International Journal of Middle East Studies, v. 23, August 1991: 434-5.
II. Economy and Society under the Union and Progress Committee Rule
2a (week 3)
E.J.Zürcher, Turkey: A Modern History, London: I.B.Tauris, 2004, ch.8.
M. Mazower, Salonica: City of Ghosts, London: Harper Perennial, 2005: 272-290.
Donald Quataert, “The Economic Climate of Young Turk Revolution of 1908,” Workers, Peasants and Economic Change in the Ottoman Empire, 1730-1914 içinde, İstanbul: ISIS Pres, 1993, 49-62.
Zafer Toprak, “The Family, Feminism and the State during the Young Turk Period, 19081918” in E. Eldem (ed.), Premiere Rencontre Internationale sur l’Empire Ottoman et la Turquie Moderne, İstanbul-Paris: Editions ISIS, 1991: 441-52.
2b (week 4)
Hilmar Kaiser, “1915-1916 Ermeni soykırımı sırasında Ermeni Mülkleri, Osmanlı Hukuku ve Milliyet Politikaları” in E.J.Zürcher (ed.), Türkiye’de Etnik Çatışma, İstanbul: İletişim, 2005: 123-157.
Reşat Kasaba and Ç. Keyder, “Writing History: Armenians in the Empire” (review article), New Perspectives on Turkey, n. 19, Fall 1998: 147-152.
F. Ahmad, “Vanguard of a Nascent Bourgeoisie: The Social and Economic Policy of the Young Turks 1908-1918” in O. Okyar and H. İnalcık (eds.), Social and Economic History, Ankara: Hacettepe Univ., 1980.
Zafer Toprak, Türkiye’de Milli İktisat 1908-1918, Ankara: Yurt yayınları, 1982: 36-68; 345-351.
Yavuz Selim Karakışla, “The emergence of the Ottoman Industrial Working Class” in D. Quataert and E.J.Zürcher, Workers and the Working Class in the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic 1889-1950, London and New York: Tauris Academic Studies, 1995: 19-34.
III. A General Overview of the Economy and Society in the Republican Period
1. The Single Party Period: 1923-1946
1a. (week 5)
I. Berend, An Economic History of the Twentieth Century Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006: 42-150.
Şerif Mardin, Turkey: The Transformation of an Economic Code" in E. Özbudun and A. Ulusan (eds.), The Political Economy of Income Distribution in Turkey, 1980: 23-53.
Roger Owen and Şevket Pamuk, A History of Middle East Economies in the Twentieth Century, London: I.B.Tauris, 1998: 10-29.
Çağlar Keyder, “The Consequences of the Exchange of Populations for Turkey”in R.Hirschon (ed.), Crossing the Agean, Oxford: Berghahn, 2003: 39-52.
Korkut Boratav, Türkiye İktisat Tarihi 1908-2002, Ankara: İmge Yayınevi, 2003: 59-91.
1b. (week 6)
Ç. Keyder, State and Class in Turkey: A Study in Capitalist Development, London: Verso, 1987: 107-115.
Faroz Ahmad, “The Development of Class Consciousness in Republican Turkey” in D.Quataert and E.J.Zürcher (eds.), 1995: 75-94.
Asım Karaömerlioğlu, “The Village Institute Experience in Turkey”, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, v. 25, 1998: 47-73.
Şevket Pamuk, “War, State Economic Policies and Resistance by Agricultural Producers in Turkey, 1939-1945" in F. Kazemi and J. Waterbury (eds.), Peasants and Politics in the Modern Middle East, 1991: 125-42.
Yiğit Akın, “The Dynamics of Working Class Politics in Early Republican Turkey: Language, Identity, Experience," International Review of Social History 54, (2009): 167-188.
2. Multi-party Period, Populism and Democracy (week 7)
Eric Hobsbawm, Age of Extremes: The Short 20th Century 1914-1991, London: Abacus, 1995: 225-402.
Cem Eroğul, “The Establishment of Multiparty Rule: 1945-71” in Irvin C. Schick and E. Ahmet Tonak (eds.), Turkey in Transition: New Perspectives, New York: Oxford Univ. Presss, 1987: 101-143.
Owen and Pamuk (1998): 106- 110.
Keyder (1987), ch.6
3. Import Substituting Industrialization Experience (week 8)
Peter Evans, Embedded Autonomy: States and Industrial Transformations Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995: 3-43.
Owen and Pamuk (1998): 110-117.
Keyder (1987), ch. 7.
Boratav (2003), ch. 7.
4. In the Neoliberal Market Economy
4a. (week 9)
Neil Brenner, Jamie Peck and Nik Theodore, “Variegated neoliberalization: geographies, modalities, pathways,” Global Networks, 10 (1), 2010.
Owen and Pamuk (1998): 117-126.
Ziya Öniş, “Turgut Özal and His Economic Legacy: Turkish Neo-Liberalism in Critical Perspective,” Middle Eastern Studies, vol. 40 (4), 2004.
Erinç Yeldan and Ümit Cizre, “The Turkish Encounter with Neo-Liberalism: Economics and Politics in the 2000/2001 Crises,” Review of International Political Economy, 12 (3), 2005: 387-408.
Fikret Şenses, “Economic Crisis as an Instigator of Distributional Conflicts: The Turkish Case in 2001” in Öniş and B. Rubin (eds.), The Turkish Economy in Crisis, London: Frank Cass, 2003: 92-119.
Ali Burak Güven, “Post-Washington concensus in Action: Lessons From Turkey” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association of Political Science, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, 4 June 2008
4b (week 10)
Bob Jessop, “Rescaling Regulation and Governance in a Global Age,” in Bob Jessop and Ngai-Ling Sum, Beyond the Regulation Approach: Putting Capitalist Economies in Their Place, Edward Elgar, 2007: 271-299,
Leslia Gates, “Theorizing Business Power in the Semiperiphery: Mexico 1970-2000" Theory and Society. No. (38): 2009: 57-95.
Ayşe Buğra, “Class, Culture and State: An Analysis of Interest Representation by Two Turkish Business Associations”, The International Journal of Middle East Studies, v. 30, 1998, pp. 521-539.
Mustafa Kemal Bayırbağ, “Local Entrepreneurialism and State Rescaling in Turkey,” Urban Studies, February 2010.
Ayşe Buğra ve O. Savaşkan, “Yerel Sanayi ve Bugünün Türkiye’sinde İş Dünyası”, Toplum ve Bilim, no.118, pp. 92-123.
III. Discussion on student presentations (week 11)
IV. Contemporary Issues in Turkish Studies in a Historical Perspective: Class, Citizenship and Related Themes
1. On Modernity, Secularism and Islamic Revival (week 12)
Reşat Kasaba, “Kemalist Certainties and Modern Ambiguities” in S. Bozdoğan and R.Kasaba (eds.), Rethinking Modernity and National Identity in Turkey, Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 1997: 15-36.
Ernest Gellner, “The Turkish Option in Comparative Perspective” in S. Bozdoğan and R.Kasaba (eds., 1997): 233-244.
Şerif Mardin, “Religion and Secularism in Turkey” in A. Kazancıgil and E. Özbudun (eds.), Atatürk: Founder of a Modern State, London: Hurst and Co., 1981: 191-220.
Cihan Tuğal, “Transforming Everyday Life: Islamism and Social Moovement Theory”, Theory and Society, v. 38, 2009: 423-458.
2. Ethnicity, Gender and Citizenship (week 11)
Mesut Yeğen, “Citizenship and Ethnicity in Turkey”, Middle Eastern Studies, v.40, Nov. 2004: 51-66.
Hamit Bozaslan, “Türkiye’de Kürt Milliyetçiliği: Zımni Sözleşmeden Ayaklanmaya (1919-1925) in E.J.Zürcher (der.), İmparatorluktan Cumhuriyete Etnik Çatışma, İstanbul: İletişim, 2005: 89-122.
Martin von Bruinessen, “Kurds, Turks and the Alevi Revival”, Middle East Reports, n. 200, summer 1996 (extended version).
Zehra Arat, “Introduction: Politics of Representation and Identity” in Z. Arat (ed.), Deconstructing Images of ‘The Turkish Woman’, New York: Saint Martin’s Press, 1998: 1-36.
Azer Kılıç, “The Gender Dimension of Social Policy Reform in Turkey: Towards Equal Citizenship?”, Social Policy and Administration, 41 (5), 2008: 487-503.
Ayşe Buğra and Burcu Yakut-Çakar, “ Structural Change, The Social Policy Environment and Female Employment in Turkey, “ Development and Change, 41(3), 2010: 517-538.
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